Climate Literacy & Action Training
Thursdays 18, 25 Jan, 1, 8, 15 Feb 2024
Join to get tools and access a network of like-minded peers from around the world! You'll learn how to make an impact in your professional & social environment, influence research, teaching, and strategy, reduce carbon emissions & address multiple other SDGs.

Time & Location
Thursdays 18, 25 Jan, 1, 8, 15 Feb 2024
About The Event
Would you like to make an impact in your professional & social environment? Would you like to influence research, teaching, and strategy, reduce carbon emissions & address multiple other SDGs? Join this training to get knowledge and tools! Please register in advance to get your individual link: REGISTRATION
Climate Literacy & Action Training for Educators, Communities, Organizations, and Students CLT-ECOS runs for five consecutive Thursdays, starting on the 18th January 2024 till the 15th February. Upon attending all five sessions and completing an assessment form, participants can become certified carbon literate trainers themselves.
Five sessions cover:
1. Positive futures scenarios and Climate Justice
2. Climate Science and the matching high-impact climate solutions
3. Carbon calculation and individual action
4. Climate Change Mitigation: systems approach
5. Work in groups and your own Action Plan
The training is delivered by Dr. Petra Molthan-Hill, Co-Chair of the UN PRME Working Group on Climate Change & Environment, Professor at Nottingham Business School, UK; Editor of the "Business Student's Guide to Sustainable Management", Routledge; Lead Author of The Handbook of Carbon Management, in collaboration with other international expert facilitators - members of the UN PRME Working Group. CLT-ECOS is being supported by QS ImpACT charity. CLT-ECOS was developed by Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, in collaboration with the UN PRME Champions, Oikos International, and the Carbon Literacy Project. It also includes an introduction to En-ROADS developed by Climate Interactive in collaboration with MIT Sloan and Ventana Systems. The course has won multiple awards, including Gold in the Sustainability category at QS-Wharton Reimagine Education Awards'21.