Carbon Literacy Training (outline full day)
This training was developed by Nottingham Business School (Nottingham Trent University) in collaboration with the UN PRME Champions, Oikos International, Manchester Metropolitan University and the Carbon Literacy Project.
The aim of this project is to get academics, students and others Carbon Literate within a short time frame and to get as many people as possible actively involved in embedding climate solutions in their own life and work. In order to do so we have chosen a train-the-trainer approach, so we will offer regional events inviting all the universities and business schools in the vicinity to train academics and students there so that they can become trainers in their own institution and/or involved in training other in other regions of the world. We will also use conferences to train academics and others so that they can then become facilitators in their own home institution and also in their home country if they choose to do so.
The material for the training will be provided. Please contact Professor Petra Molthan-Hill if you are interested in offering such training in your own institution.
By taking part in this training, you will gain an understanding of:
The basic science behind the climate crisis
The impact different sectors such as food have on our climate and vice versa
Climate Change mitigation tools for your discipline or/and function
Solutions with the highest impact
Strategies and skills for communicating and/or teaching climate actions
Your personal possibilities to take action privately and in your current/ future role
You will also receive a full certificate issued by The Carbon Literacy Trust in Manchester.
This is an overview of the key training sessions broken down into two four-hour slots. We can also offer the training as a full-day version or as blended learning (such as two three-hour sessions combined with some work in participants’ own time).
First session: Climate Science, Climate Justice and Climate Change Futures

Second session: Climate Science, Carbon calculation, Individual Action

Third session: Climate Change- a systems approach

Fourth session: Climate Action Strategies